Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Chi & Me

Since Suzie's Surgery - all 3 dogs and I have been camping out on the sofa and/or the floor for nearly a week!  I think the happiest camper of them all is Paco.  He's been VERY good thru it all!  I'm somewhat surprised.  After all, he's the youngest and the most playful.  But on the other hand he's very emotional, too!  I know he's been worried about Suzie and trying to be on his best behavior.  In addition to the 4 of us 'camping out' on the living room floor...Friday and Early this morning we've had snow.  So that means it's Blanket and Sweater Time!  Paco LOVES both!  Here you will see him curled up in a blanket on my lap over the weekend.  This is the most snuggly blanket we have in the house, I think!

He's been just too darned cute as of late!  BUT...with the cooler weather...it's not really helping his teary eyes.  It doesn't really seem to bother him tho.  He's been fairly good with his baths and his nail trimmings, too!  MUCH better than Suzie and Riley are.  I don't bath Suzie as much, tho, because her skin gets dry.  She gets baths a little less than Riley and Paco.  Riley is such a wimp when he gets bathed or anything else for that matter!  I'm sooooo NOT a fan of winter, snow, or the cold weather than goes along with it!  Uggg!  BUT...I'm trying to pick out some positives about the upcoming months of COLD...one would certainly be when the furkids snuggle more than usual.

I'm not even joking...Paco TOTALLY does this all by himself with the blankets!  He sure knows how to burrow in there!  Here's a photo of him in one of his sweaters! 

We've also been trying to catch up on some of our Netflix and Hulu+ Shows over the last couple of weeks since Hubby hasn't been moving very fast because of his stomach issues.  We've found that Paco is a fan of Bones as well as SNL and Jimmy Fallon.  Riley likes Nashville - we watch that after Hubby goes to bed.

Here's another photo of Paco sporting one of his favorite sweaters.  He ROCKS the Argyle.

In other news - my mom, sister, and I attended the Lake Erie Wine Trail Holiday Harvest on Saturday and we were at Noble Winery and it was CRAZY busy!  We did really well!  We have a few private parties coming up in the next couple of weeks as well.  One is a tasting, one is a book party, and the other will be our Holiday Open House that we do every year.

What have you been up to recently!?


  1. So cute, Miko was very protective of Leela when she came home from a teeth cleaning and needed to recover. Miko is also a burrower, I keep little fleece blankets in their beds he can always cover himself with completely.

    1. Yes! We have blankets all over the place at our house! "tis the season, too! Brrrr!

  2. Wowwww!!!! You have 3!!! My girl would love that...but my missus has this thing against pets so she's do the next best thing - browse around the pet shops here, poor thing. I can see her eyes light up as she tells me about what she has seen...

    1. And 2 cats! Here in the states - it's BEST to adopt from a shelter. When you buy from a 'store' they are usually from puppy mills and you over pay horribly, too!

  3. Hi Jennifer! I just followed you over from the Blog Hop and had to comment on your cute fur-babies. I can't say I envy your cold weather even if it does lead to more cuddle time. My little 4-legged one Kloe definitely gets more affectionate when the weather cools down but I live in Southern California where it was almost 90 degrees today....no snow for us obviously. Anyway, I'm looking forward to checking out your blog and reading about more about your bliss! ~Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for visiting! And Commenting! Southern Cali!!! I envy you - especially for the year- round fresh fruit and veggies and Farmers Markets!!!! You're LUCKY! I hope you will visit often! I'll be over to visit you soon! Thanks again!

  4. Haha love the doggy updates! I'm glad Suzie is doing well. Your furbabies are so darned cute!
    I love Bones too haha ;p

    1. Awww thanks! I think we are down a few episodes so we'll have to hit up hulu+ soon for them! LOL
