Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Food Revolution Summit

I thought about including this in another post but there is just SO MUCH about it that I thought it was better to do a separate post about it instead!  What am I talking about?  The Food Revolution Summit!  I will be participating online this year!  You can still sign up - just visit that link above!  Everything starts this Saturday and goes thru May 5th.  There is even a welcome message from Joaquin Phoenix.  The hosts are John Robbins and Ocean Robbins!

Check out all of the people who are contributing content to this summit!  Dean Ornish, MD - I have read a few of his books and followed him for a while now!  Kris Carr - I get her eNewsletter and LOVE her website as well as having seen her on a few Documentaries and YouTube Channels lately!    I have to admit I am not as familiar with Mark Hyman, MD, Mayor Cory Booker, or Robyn O'Brien but I will be researching them over the next few days!  Joel Fuhrman, MD, I have read a lot about but I am not familiar with Dolores Huerta but am interested in her topic of "Loving The Hands That Feed Us!"  Rip Esselstyn I have been a fan of for the last couple of years!  I have seen articles and videos as well as books and documentaries of his efforts and expertise!  Jeffrey Smith will be talking about Protecting Your Family From GMO's - a bigger and BIGGER topic these days!  3 others I will have educate myself about PRIOR are Brenda Davis, RD, Vandana Shiva PhD, and Mark Bittman.  I was very happy to see Russell Simmons on the list, too!  He's done amazing things getting the word out about vegetarian/veganism and yoga and health!  As well as Kathy Freeston - I follow her site and her Instagram!  Ken Cook will be talking about "Sustainable Food For Us All"

One of my favorites on this list is Neal Barnard, MD...probably the person I have known about the longest (aside from Russell Simmons, that is).  Zoe Weil, Michael Klaper, MD, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Thom Hartmann, and Andrew Kimbrell I will need to brush up on before listening in - as well!  Towards the end of the line-up I see Seane Corn - One of the many Yoga People I have tried to follow for a while.  Then there is Mike Adams speaking on Keys to Health Freedom and Will Potter with "Ag-Gag Bills VS Your Right To Know" 2 very timely topics that we are hearing more and more about these days!  And finally, the hosts, John and Ocean with "Igniting a Food Revolution".  I can totally understand why this event is nearly a week!  SO MUCH info!  Of course I cannot hear all of them but I do hope to hear several!

Have you signed up yet?  Who do you know of on this list?  Anyone you have learned anything from yet?  If so what?  Do tell!


  1. I will sign up, so cool! I'm familiar with a lot of the participants, thanks for the info!
