I've probably posted a photo like this already when I mentioned my recent trip to our Audubon but I can't help but re-post this little guy! This is Lincoln. Ever since I met him I have been thinking about him. He's a resident of the Audubon and was a rescue. At some point I will be stopping by to make a donation specifically for his care. I adore this guy! LOOK! He's even smiling!
One of the other stops I made while traveling for work not too long ago was one of my favorite places in our county. This is the road to/from Kinzua Wolf Run Marina, Kinzua Dam, Kinzua Beach, Allegheny National Forest/Rim Rock, Jake's Rocks, etc.
I was thrilled with how this photo turned out considering the car was moving at about 55 mph when I took it. Below you will see two more photos specifically from the Kinzua Beach location. I will be revisiting Kinzua Beach this Saturday as I volunteer for a Bicycle Event and helping with registration. My father will be helping with set-up today and the beer tent on Saturday.

But the last time I stopped at Kinzua Beach I was completely alone. Well, I was the only human...let's put it that way! It was a nice brain break. Here is a photo I took while walking down the hill from the parking area. There is a building behind me, several large parking lots, restrooms, and a few paths. The grass you see is a small part of a LARGE grassy area where you can walk, sit, have a picnic, etc. The bridge you see in the front is the bridge that goes over part of Kinzua and is near Kinzua Wolf Run Marina which is somewhat across the street on the other side of the bridge and Kinzua Dam itself - is not too far away.
That day I walked down to the water. There were several ducks there. They were not afraid of me in the least. They actually came up to me and nibbled on my shoes and jeans. I talked to them for several minutes. I posted a video a while back on IG. I was so surprised they came up to me like that but it totally made my day and I will not forget it!
Another brain break I took this past summer was to Bett's Park. More specifically the Pollination Garden that Penn State Master Gardeners attends to each year. These next few photos where some of the beautiful flowers I saw while there this year.
I have blogged about the Pollinator Garden before and I think I even did a walk thru video on YouTube a few years back.
Since I am backlogging these photos I must say most of the flowers and plants have since 'expired' for the season because fall is approaching.
And speaking of fall...my indoor/office plants are starting to realize what time of year it is, too! I've already lost 3 plants and it's bumming me out. This plant, however, is one of my newer ones. It's called and Aluminum Plant.
This one is an Elephant Bush Plant. I fell in LOVE with it but I think it's on its way out, too! I hope I can save it.
My mother found a few old photos and here is one of them. It's of my sister and I when we were in our church Kids Choir. We were 'ewes'. Oh...to be a kid in the 80s!
Here is a photo from the most recent Bra Shipping Party that our Zonta Club Members did. If you remember seeing photos like these in the past you might recall we send the bras over to Free The Girls and they go to survivors of trafficking to help them start their own retail business. Right now there are 3 countries that receive these shipments...Mozambique, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. In about 9 months we have shipped 2,001 bras to Free The Girls from our rural area.
And now it's time for some vegan food! Here is one of the items I found from Trader Joe's. It was yummy and had a nice kick to it.
Right near where I work there is a NY Style Pizza and Deli place and the pizza dough just happens to be vegan. They will put basically anything you want on a pizza. I have enjoyed a few of them in the past but recently I decided to re-visit their 'build your own salad' and this is what they made for me. It was darn hefty and VERY MUCH appreciated!
Greens, Broccoli, Tomato, Avocado, Cucumbers, Onion, Peppers, topped with a nice amount of Hummus, and French-Type Dressing.
Again, one of my side trips while traveling to work - and actually FOR work - I stopped in Kennedy, NY, at the Aber's Acres Produce Stand. I couldn't pass up these AMAZING Organic Raspberries!
And...Cherry Tomatoes! A few years ago they got their ORGANIC certification. It was a 3 year process. Their stuff is AMAZING, too!