Saturday, March 11, 2017

Improvements with Aches & Pains

Earlier this year (I can't believe I'm already saying that - it's March!) I was telling you about some aches and pains I was having that seemed to be increasing.  I also told you that I was looking into ways to improve them.  I feel like I have done that (somewhat) successfully.  Of course some days are better than others.  I have to tell you that I haven't been diagnosed with anything and I'm not really self-diagnosing either.  But what I can tell you is that almost everything I was dealing with lined up to fibromyalgia systems.  Steps I have taken to help with my systems have helped a great deal.  After doing research on the subject I found out that many doctors will say that it's true if you have 13 (or 15 - depending on who you talk to) out of 18 pain points.  I can say that I have different levels of pain and/or aches in 16 out of 18 of them.  

So what have I done to make these improvements?  

First and foremost I have upped my B Vitamin intake.  I have also added Spirulina and Chlorella tablets.  I've always LOVED Turmeric so I have increased my intake in that as well!  I have been wearing different bras for the past couple of months.  They are high impact sports bras.  I have changed the way I sleep.  I used to be a side sleeper and have changed to laying on my back.

I have picked up many things from Forks Over Knives, Dr. McDougall, and the Hallelujah Diet.  All of which are plant based.  Each day I have been trying to learn more and more and implement something new.  So far I have seen a HUGE difference.  I will continue to report on things I find to be helpful.


  1. Wow, sorry about the pains and glad things are getting better. I struggle with that a bit too having a desk job and training hard outside of work - sitting at a desk for hours is not great for actively recovering sore muscles and joints and I try to work in more standing and stretching - not always easy when things get busy!

    1. This weekend was a rough PAIN weekend! I think when I schedule posted these for the weekend I was feeling pretty great but then this weekend was rough...sigh. I'm going to try and walk more but will have to do it indoors for a few months more...we have super cold weather again now.

  2. Sorry you're going through this. I'm glad you found some things to help, and I'm definitely interested in learning more about what helps!

    1. It's an ongoing process of learning and trying things that is for sure! This weekend was a tough PAIN weekend. I hope things improve this week, tho!

  3. I would be surprised if it is fibromyalgia with your healthy diet and the supplements. I agree with Christine that you gotta just keep moving.

    1. Spring will certainly help with the 'getting moving' thing! I'm such a wuss when it comes to COLD temperatures
