Thursday, May 29, 2014

Colorful Salad with Mandarin Walnut Dressing

This salad doesn't have many ingredients but I do LOVE the color of it!  Romaine Hearts for the lettuce and Yellow and Red Bell Peppers for the top.  Everything tasted amazing!  I then came up with the following dressing to mix in...
Mandarin Walnut Dressing!  And it was WONDERFUL!  I used...
4 Mandarins
1/2 C Walnuts
1 Date
1 T Lemon Juice
1 T Apple Cider Vinegar
Water as needed
What's the last dressing you made at home?


  1. Yum, the dressing sounds wonderful! I just created a simple rosemary hemp dressing that I will be posting soon.

    1. I can't wait to see it. Sounds great! I can't wait to try more dressings! It's addicting - making them! Seeing how they turn out :)

  2. What a pretty salad. Love the idea of a mandarin dressing. My dressing is always so boring. I usually just squeeze some lemon or lime on top of it ;p I need to branch out!

    1. I'm really TRYING to branch out :) So far I'm having a lot of fun with it :)
