Saturday, September 21, 2013

Random Furkids Update

This weekend I figured I would share with you a few photos of 2 of my furkids.  Some of you already know that we have 5 'kids'!  3 dogs and 2 cats...that is!  This is Paco our Chihuahua.  He's been a little crazy lately.  I think it might be the weather changing.  Fall is upon us and that means cooler weather!  Paco gets cold very easily and LOVES blankets as you can see in these pictures. 

He does this all by himself!  He wraps himself up in blankets so's so funny!  He knows just what and how he wants to do it every time, too!  It has to be 'just right'.

His burrowing in blankets is something that is quite common with Chihuahuas.  He is the first Chi we have had and people aren't 'fibbing' when they say Chihuahuas are a breed of their own!
We've had him for a few years now and I still think it's so cool that he does this!  I finally got some decent photos of him and caught him in the act!

Suzie is our "Queen Bee"...she's the Leader of the Pack, really.  She's also the oldest dog in our family.  Charlie - our one cat - we've had the longest and is around the same age as Suzie.  They are both starting to show their age a bit.

Suzie is in this last photo and I captured this one while she was waking up earlier this week.  She was less than impressed but I thought it was funny and cute.  You may notice a mole-like spot on her front arm.  We keep an eye on it but it has posed any problems for her, really.  She keeps it clean, naturally.  We are more worried about the lumps she sometimes will get under the skin.  There is one I will be calling the vet about soon, I think.  It's on the shoulder (not shown) here.  It's not causing her a problem but it is near a joint and I want a vet to look at it.  2 local vets in different practices are aware of this with her and just told us to keep watch of it.  She may have to have it removed.  That is what she had done with a few of them in the past.


  1. Is it cold there? Shouldn't be...autumn's just beginning, right?

    1. It's been much cooler lately. It was in the upper 80s and 90s and now it's in the 50's and 60s. The warmer the weather the more I LOVE it...that's why I think it's 'cold' LOL. I'm not looking forward to winter. Sometimes it can get below ZERO...eeeeek!

  2. Does Paco like wearing clothes, if he did I'd be tempted to knit him something, heh.

    1. Hi Opal! Yes...Paco LOVES his sweaters! It's about time for me to bring them out, I think! I will start taking more pics of him in his sweaters for ya!

  3. We have 5 furkids now too, eek! Our chihuahuas are the same way with burrowing into blankets, Miko hates cold weather and rain, but also hates wearing clothes.

    1. Awwwww
      but he LOVES the blankets? That's so cute! Looking forward to more pics of them!

  4. So cute! We have three furkids here, all rescued dogs.

    1. Rescues are wonderful! Out of our 5 - 4 of them were rescues.

  5. So cute! We have three furkids here, all rescued dogs.
