Monday, August 5, 2013

I've Never Been This Excited About A Car Before...

This post is about a week overdue but I have just had NO TIME - so sorry about that!  But I have been looking for the perfect-for-me car for a while and I have found it!  Check this out!  It's my new-to-me Fiat!  It's technically USED but gently.  It was a deal we couldn't pass up thru my BIL.  It only had 9,000 miles on it and it's a 2013!  The interior couldn't have been cleaner!  So, yes, this is my new 2013 Fiat 500 Pop!  I'm totally LOVING it!  I've never been this excited about a car before - one that I have owned, that is!  It's so cute!  It's fun to drive!  It's tiny and cool!  It's about 11 and a half feet long.  That's 7 inches shorter than a Mini Cooper and 5
inches short than a Chevy Spark.  A SmartCar is a little over a foot shorter than my Fiat but still I think this is pretty awesome!  I've been told and have been searching the gas mileage chatter on this Fiat and I'm thinking I will get between 36 and 40 mpg with it.  We haven't been able to put it to the test that much yet, tho.  Hopefully next week as this week is HELLA Busy for both of us!

Until are a few photos so you can see what my new friend looks like!
We are nicknaming her "Wonder Buggy".  (teehee)

It IS a 4-seater!  It has a hatch back/trunk and the 2 back seats fold flat as well.  It's SO cute and I'm totally LOVING it!

I hope to post a few times this week but it will be hard as I will be out and about and here and there and everywhere for work!


  1. Congrats and how exciting! It's awesome looking, I'm sure it's a blast to drive! I adore the Fiat 500 and would have considered the 500e if it was available when I got my EV.

    1. I would LOVE an EV of some sort but there is NO WHERE to get it serviced here and no one knows anything about them around where I live so for now I have to get what I can and what I can try and service fairly easily. I hear the 500e gets about 119 - average!!!! AWESOME!

  2. That's a great-looking thing you have there. Wish I could afford some new wheels myself...but I don't think so - will just stick to my old jalopies. Sigh!!!!

    1. Thanks :) I'm going to drive this one until I can't drive it anymore! LOL :) I LOVE it!

  3. Congrats!

    Wow that's tiny, haven't had something that small since I was a teenager. I think I'd be too paranoid for something that teeny.

    1. My mother is worried about safety but it's one of the safest small cars these days :) 7 Positional Air Bags, I guess :)

  4. CUTE!!! Happy you found a car you like =)

    1. I keep calling it cute even tho my husband says I should say 'cool' I think it's because he thinks it is but doesn't want to say a car is 'cute' LOL

  5. I think I'd be too paranoid for something that teeny. car seat canopy

    1. My mother says the same thing but it makes me 'feel safe' so far!
