Thursday, December 7, 2017

Vegan Soul Kitchen & Mini Blab

I have another mini-blab and mini post today but first another new book!  Vegan Soul Kitchen!  Yet another one that has been on my wishlist for quite some time!  Once I realized that Bryant Terry paired each recipe with a song I knew this would have an extra special place on my bookshelf!  As many of you know I LOVE all sorts of music and it's always been a HUGE part of my life!  I can't wait to check out some of these recipes!  And the songs he paired with them!

Yesterday I mentioned a Virtual Bookshelf addition to my site.  I've had a lot of great feedback on that idea.  Last night I added a widget coding but no matter what I do to tweak it - it's still not quite what I am looking for.  I'm thinking I might have to do one big huge long post to get it the way I want it.  Time will tell, I guess.

I'm having a real hard time getting into the Holiday Spirit this year.  I finally submitted an order to kick off our holiday shopping for our family members.  I decided to look into Jet for online shopping.  So far I'm liking it.  One of these days I will do a more detailed post on it.

Time permitting, I hope to check in later tonight with another post.  It just seems like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done lately.


  1. Recipes with songs? I must go and check it out! My blogpost titles are all song titles. :D

    1. I thought you would like that! I LOVE your blog post titles!

  2. Never thought of pairing recipes with songs. Sounds like fun. :)

    1. I should do more of this here at my blog, actually! Might have to start doing that!

  3. Very interesting book, can't wait to check it out. I hear ya on time, I've been feeling that way too with work and everything else - so much I want to do, but can't make time for.

    1. There was another book of his that I had in my cart but ended up deleting it right before I submitted the order. I'm regretting it now. It will be on my next wishlist.

  4. I hear you on the time thing. It's so frustrating!
    I saw another of Bryant Terry's books at the library awhile ago. I'll have to check it out the next time I go. I like his message and what he does a lot. And his food always looks drool worthy!

    1. I wonder if it's the other one I wanted of his!? It's already on my next wishlist!

  5. This is a cookbook I've been wanting to check out! One day.
