Monday, November 10, 2014

NOT Giving Up Because It's Snowing...

About 3 weeks ago I picked what was ready and left from the Rooftop Garden that we experimented with this year for the first time.  It was all a learning experience that is for sure!  Our office Manager said 'you have to pick these before the frost' so I did.  There are a few things left out there but not much.  I'm sad to see this end.  So Sam and I decided to try a few things INSIDE during the winter months.  I hope to take some photos of those soon.  So far we have some Sweet Banana Peppers that look like they are going to work as well as some more greens.  As for the items you see in this photo from of the tomatoes and one pepper...both of which didn't get very big.  We will probably not try tomatoes and regular bell peppers next year.  We may get a Tomato Hanging Basket instead and only do non-bell peppers since the larger one pictured here at the bottom is a Big Jim and we got 5 good sized ones out of the plants we did do.  Then...the Dragons Tongue Beans were one of the best things we did do this year...we will be doing them indoors during the winter and most likely again next summer, too!  Then we have a Contender Bean, too.  We had 2 plants that survived.  We didn't get many Contender Beans but what we did grow was tasty.  We still have a few Brussels Sprout Plants we are HOPING will make it to full size.  I'm tempted to bring them inside tho...eventho I have read that a little bit of frost will make them sweeter...I just don't want to lose them...afterall...we started from seed in April.  BUT...just a heads up...I will be switching from Rooftop Garden posts to Container Gardening and Indoor Gardening posts SOON!


  1. Everything looks wonderful. So glad to see that you are enjoying gardening.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! That really helped me along this adventure!!!

  2. SNOW?!?!? I'm sorry. As much as I love the first snowfall, it's too early!!! Good luck with the veggies.

    1. Yeah...I'm NOT a fan of snow yet I live in the

  3. Gardening is so rewarding! We still have tomatoes ripening in our polytunnel, white sweet potatoes and lots of kale of various sorts... We grew dragon's tongue beans this year too- they have such a lovely flavour. Best of luck with your indoor garden; can't wait to see what you grow :)

    1. Gosh! I need to attempt more Kale! I bet that would work inside :) We started the last batch inside it was tasty just not very big. Aren't those Dragon Tongue Beans AWESOME!? I love just about everything about them!!!!

  4. Snow already?! Wow! The goodies look good and looking forward to hearing about your adventures with indoor gardening.

    1. Yea...and we are supposed to get hit with a storm this week...grrrr!

  5. I'm absolutely intrigued! Being gardenless, the only thing I've managed to grow are herbs and stuff on my windowsill. How do you plant the beans? I'd really like to give that a go indoors!

    1. We do most of our stuff in 3 gallon buckets. We've also used old CD racks/containers/storage units. I hope to take some more photos soon :) With the Beans we plant them in the buckets and have had good luck. Especially the Dragons Tongue variety :)

  6. I'm interested to hear more about your indoor gardening experiences! We just had the very last harvest of plants in our garden (which didn't do so well outside, actually - not enough sun!) and it made me really sad, maybe I should look into growing some things indoors!

    1. Thanks! All of ours will be trial and error - fingers crossed :)

  7. That's awesome! You guys are dedicated =)

  8. We certainly are TRYING to be dedicated :)
